Living to dream

A few weeks ago, I had a prophetic dream. Now this isn't the sort of thing I typically experience, just in case you are wondering. I woke up fully aware of all the details from the dream, and proceeded to understand what it meant. God was speaking to me very clearly and it was so unexpected that it could have only been Him.

I won't go into all the details, but I was taken back to the time after my father's death when I was 9. I saw a room in our house which was full of his stuff. I had never seen this room before; it was completely full of things that I had never seen before or not seen in a long time. There were a few things that were significant:

1. The walls were lined with books, and I started looking at different ones. Some were his and some I hadn't seen in a long time. In fact, I wondered where they had gone. One book I picked up and decided to take with me: it was about crafts. God spoke to me about my creative activity - allowing it to be for an outlet alone and not having to be practical or worthwhile in some way.

2. There was an Oscar the Grouch doll in the room. I remember thinking that it must have been for my (younger) brother and then my dad never got to give it to him because dad died before he could. However, later on, God showed me that Oscar the Grouch represented a label I'd been given as a child when I sulked or emotions boiled over as a child. The doll was new and unused because Oscar the Grouch isn't who I am, and it isn't needed anymore. Even if others think of me that way, it is not me. Not anymore!

3. In the centre of the room was a racetrack for toy cars. It was on a bed of foam to cushion it and straighten it out. God showed me that this was to represent my mind. He wants to get my moving again, to revive my ability to dream and build passion for things. It isn't a race, it isn't about speed. But it IS about movement. A race track doesn't go anywhere, but movement is important.

Out of this dream, God showed me how He wants to revive my ability to dream. Like a toy racetrack, he wants the juices to flow again, the movement to start. He wants me to bring creativity into my life again and dare to leave behind old tags that don't fit me any longer. I had not thought about my ability to dream or experience passion for anything. But it has not been a feature of my life in my adult years. Even having fun has been a challenge for me!

Is this like you? Do you need God to inject juice into your passions that lead to dreams? He will not fail to provide.
